Friday, December 21, 2007

dazed and confused

okay so I'm not really dazed but I am confused. I have never heard of this blog thing before? but it sounds like fun. Spencer how did ally like the puppy charlie? Kim told the boys were so excited. I hope you guys have a great christmas, don't eat too much and make yourself sick. :)
love ya all


spencer said...

Ya Allison loves him. She was pretty suprised. The only draw back to this whole thing is I didn't take into consideration all of the crap that a person needs to raise a dog. Not to mention all of the poo and pee that they leave every where. I am in the process right now of getting our carpet cleaner fixed. Wish me luck. Oh ya and a good thing that we have a wood floor in most of the main level. Thanks for writing something Kisti.

Jenny said...

I am glad you bought the dog or I might have been tempted. Emma loved Charlie and our apartment allows pets so I would not have much to deter me. Whew! No pets for me to clean up after yet.